DRPT is committed to providing equal opportunity for all applicants and employees regardless of race, color, religion, sex, age, marital status, national origin, citizenship status, disability, veteran status or political affiliation.

Equal Opportunity extends to all aspects of the employment relationship, including hiring, transfers, promotions, training, terminations, working conditions, compensation, benefits, and other terms and conditions of employment.

DRPT complies with federal and state equal employment opportunity laws and strives to keep the workplace free from all forms of harassment, including sexual harassment. DRPT considers harassment in all forms to be a serious offense.

Any employee who believes he or she has been subjected to prohibited discrimination or harassment should report the alleged act immediately to his or her supervisor or the next level supervisor, the division/project director, or the Director of the Agency. If a complaint involves a manager or supervisor, the complaint should be filed directly with the next level of supervisor or the Department of Human Resources. The agency ensures that employees following this complaint procedure are protected against illegal retaliation.

Any reported violations of EEO law or this policy are investigated. Directors, managers, supervisors, employees, or agency appointed authorities found to have engaged in discriminatory conduct or harassment are subject to immediate disciplinary action, including possible termination of employment.

Commonwealth’s EEO Plan